We are glad to welcome you to the store of TM W and TM Tashuta brands. We exist since 2017. The founder of the brands is Tashuta Tetiana - one of the most famous masters and organizers of offline and online courses around the world on eyelash extensions and llamas. 

Our store is designed for professional eyelash extensions and lamas. We understand how important it is for a craftsman to find quality materials, so our top priority is impeccable quality and customer-oriented fast service. Our goal is the level of development of the company, the service of which causes positive feelings in customers, the desire to buy products and training courses only from us and to bring their acquaintances here

• only original products - we work directly with manufacturers and official representatives;
 • high quality of goods, confirmed by international certificates and conclusions of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination of Ukraine;
 • modern innovations - we constantly improve and update the range of products;
 • democratic prices and a system of discounts for regular customers and wholesale purchases.

We have distributors and sell our materials in such countries as Bulgaria, Israel, Spain, Germany, Tunisia, Italy, and we will gladly offer cooperation to you. For more detailed information, contact us. 

Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram - +380975075959